Upper and Lower Claw Angles

Here's the geometric layout for the Upper & Lower Claw Anges for the European Championship for Carpenters task model for the hip rafter that's plumb to the earth. This method also works for Joe Bartok's Study on Rotated Rafters intersecting Rotated Hip Rafters.

The key points to this method are the "Intersection Point of Hip Rafter Claw Line & Rafter Run Line" and the perpendicular line to the rafter run line. A line drawn from the "Intersection point of Foot Print Line & Rafter Run Line" thru the  perpendicular line to the rafter run line develops the lower claw angle on the rafter. The upper claw angle drawn from the "Intersection of Rafter Run Line and DP Line" to the peak of the rafter in profile is fairly easy to draw and understand. Gratsparren bei unterschiedlicher, verschiedener Dachneigung.


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