Rake Walls RafterTools for iPhone

RafterTools+ app for iPhone Rake Wall Usage.

  1. Enter the Stud Wall on center Spacing
  2. Stud Width 
  3. Top Plate Depth... Thickness of double top plates. You should probably enter 3.25" for green lumber.
  4. Enter the adjoining Wall Stud Height.. Stud height, do not include bottom or top plate thicknesses.
  5. Hip Rake Wall Run... This is different from the common rafter run. It can be any run dimension.
  6. Hip Rake Wall Rotation Angle... The angle the hip rake wall is rotated away from the adjoining wall. Normally, the rotation angle is 45° for the standard interior wall. However, it could also be 22.5° or any other rotation angle. 

The results will display the standard Rake Wall Dimensions for the Main Side and Adjacent side. The main side is base on the Main Rafter Slope Angle and the adjacent side is based on the Adjacent Rafter Slope Angle.

  1. Rake Stud Difference... The difference in length of the rake wall studs.
  2. Rake Wall Run... The rake wall run used to calculate the short point and long point studs. The rake wall run will be the common rafter run minus the stud width. 
  3. Rake Short Point Stud.. This dimension is to the lower side of the first stud adjoining the perpendicular wall perpendicular to the rake wall.
  4. Rake Long Point Stud... The stud at the end of the rake wall. This dimension is to the upper side of the stud.
  5. Rake Plate Length... The length of the rake plate based on the Rake Wall Run.
  6. Rake Plate Layout... Use this dimension to layout studs on the rake wall rake plate.

Hip Rake Wall Dimensions for Main Side and Adjacent Side.
  1. Hip Rake Stud Miter Angle.. This is the miter angle on the face of the hip rake wall stud. The miter angle is the plumb hip rafter backing angle. If the hip rake wall is rotated at 45°, the plumb hip rafter backing angle is the same as the hip rafter slope angle.
  2. Hip Rake Stud Saw Blade Bevel Angle.. This is the saw blade bevel angle used to cut the stud following the Hip Rake Stud Miter Angle. 
  3. Hip Rake Top Plate Edge Bevel Angle... Use this angle to bevel the hip rake wall top plates to align with the sides of the studs.
  4. Hip Rake Stud Length Difference... The difference in length of the hip rake wall studs.
  5. Hip Rake Plate Width.. Use this dimension to rip the hip rafter top plates to align with the sides of the studs. This dimension is perpendicular to the plates.
  6. Hip Rake Wall Run.. The hip rake wall run used to calculate the short point and long point studs. 
  7. Hip Wall Rake Short Point Stud...This dimension is to the lower side of the first stud adjoining the perpendicular wall perpendicular to the rake wall.
  8. Hip Wall Rake Long Point Stud...The stud at the end of the hip rake wall. This dimension is to the lower side of the miter angle of the stud.
  9. Hip Wall Rake Plate Length.. The length of the hip rake plate based on the Hip Rake Wall Run.
  10. Hip Rafter Plate Layout...Use this dimension to layout studs on the hip rake wall rake plate.


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