The Rising Purlin

The Rising Purlin
The Sloping Plate
Pultdach mit steigender Pfette

In the book
Das neue Buch vom alten Wissen der Schiftung
The new book on the ancient knowledge Schiftung
The new book on the ancient knowledge Roof Framing
by Bernd Küppers

This sentences needs some work or a drawing that shows the process clearly.
Because the inclined rafter with edge bevel is canted in the plane profile, the heel and bevel seat must be determined. To do this, connect the BE of the oblique rafter by eaves height with the top and bottom edges of the rafter
From the intersection of BE inclined rafter at EH and TE rafter at EH G (eave line) TS = top seat is formed, parallel to the surface edge.

The point of intersection of BE inclined rafter at EH and BE rafter at EH G in the ground, must first be folded, at right angles to the rotation axis, to the BE rafter at EH P (P= plane) which runs parallel to the surface edge. => BS = bottom seat

Draw a perpendicular line from BE rafter at EH G and outer edge of the oblique rafter  in Ground Plan to BE rafter at EH P. The intersection of these two lines defines the point for a parallel line from the outer edge of the oblique rafter  on the roof surface plane.


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